Five weeks into Panama....

I will keep this entry short, since I have been writing emails to cover many details, and focus on the pictures. Panama has been good to us. Five weeks in, we are coming around to the food (though still displeased with the overabundance of white rice as the basis for most meals), getting better with the language, still hating the bugs, and absolutely jazzed about our future assignment. We will be high in the mountains of Veraguas, doing coffee and lorena stoves, among other things. Ok, more details will follow as I have time, but for now, pictures!
Well, crap, the computer is not liking me today. So the pictures will be limited. On the left is the truck that brought us up a crazy road to training last week. Imagine 13 gringas and 2 gringos in the back of that thing. It was like a cattle car. The road was the craziest I have ever been on in a motor vehicle. And the tires were Telly Salvalas bald.
The dogs are typically cute, though bug and skin disease infested quite often.
I meant to include pics of the impressive waterfalls we spent a lot of time swimming near, but darn computer isn´t cooperating. Anyway, this week we are in Boquete for coffee training, and I can´t highlight enough how happy I am about that. Woo hoo! Maybe towards the end of the week I can try this picture thing again, since I have some really great pics of the mountains, the family we stayed with, and so on. Buenas!
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