Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And onward to 2007......

Apologies, no pics, which is a shame: our little dog and cat are both very photogenic and we´ve gotten some good pics for sure. They both still are having trouble with this housebreaking thing and with not chewing everything, but still, we are endlessly entertained. Java the dog loves attacking Bongo the cat, and vice-versa.
We are also burned out on computer time, since we had a bunch of paperwork to complete today for the end of this quarter. So therefore, no real writing. And truthfully, not much is going on that has been super-exciting, just living, working, relaxing, etc. Just like real life. Well, more next time.


Blogger Bing said...

Hola mi amiga y amigo. (Was that correct Espanol?) Oh well, it sounds like it could pass.

Enjoyed reading your blog. It's the closest thing we have of you until your return.

If it's any comfort at all, the indigenous folks probably can't figure you out either. Your gut is probalby right, they don't understand what or why you are asking because they either don't ask those kinds of questions or the questions don't fit into their worldview.

I remember that it was like that for me and my family when we were first in the US. We would privately ask, "Why is he asking that?"; "What does it mean (as in why does it matter)"; "That's a question that should be directed to designated family/authority members, not me." Or "Shouldn't be asked in public"; or a host of other, that's now how we do it t/here thoughts. Then we felt the need to respond and would try to respond in the manner that we thought would satisfy the inquiring individual. We probably sounded strange to ourselves, trying to sound like others.

Hope the coffee is still good.

Miss you both,

12:44 PM


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