Thursday, December 18, 2008


It is snowing in Seattle, and everyone is freaking out. It doesn’t snow often enough for people to deal well with it here. I’m finally recovered from a cold, and antsy to get out, even if it means a slippery run through the snow hiding the ice (left over from the previous snow). If the weather bums me out, I look at the forecast for Custer, SD, and at least we aren’t back there yet.
So, much time has passed since an update. To summarize: we moved to Custer, I started work with the Black Hills Fire Use Module, burned some in ND and SD, rented a house, got furloughed till february, hung out a bit, then hit the road. We’re doing a big triangle, visiting friends and family in CO, AZ, CA, and now WA. Soon, back to Custer, then to Houghton for me to finally defend my MS coffee research.
It has been fun to be on the road for pleasure rather than work. We camped on the Pacific, rode the tandem through Saguaro national park, drank beer at the Pike Brewery, had great espresso and baked goods in at least 5 states, and made it to Seattle before this unusually nasty weather set in.
I'll add some pics shortly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A hello from Danielle:

Just came across your blog again after thinking about you guys. I was in Vancouver during that kooky storm - what a mess. I guess you are back statside for good now. I'd love to catch up sometime. I don't have your emails anymore - mine is

Shoot me a note if you get some time.

12:32 PM


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