And one chunk of legal butt-covering...
This blog is solely the creation of Noah Daniels and Karinne Knutsen, who do not represent or speak for the Peace Corps in any way. So there.
This blog is solely the creation of Noah Daniels and Karinne Knutsen, who do not represent or speak for the Peace Corps in any way. So there.
Howdy all, first off, happy holidays. Today is mother´s day, which is very similar in popularity and events to the American Thanksgiving. Hence, many businesses are closed. Still, we were able to pick up vaccines for our new dog and cat, which is good. They are named Java and Bongo, respectively. Bongo is a feisty little guy, more than willing to attack dogs much bigger than him. Java is sickly, and not really ours yet- we have yet to get him from the guy who owns his mom.